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Customer Testimonials

Sean Van De Walle FIQ.jpeg
Sean Van De Walle
Senior Account Executive

I’ve been fortunate in my career to learn from several highly intelligible, strategically sound sales leaders. The foundation of all that great information has typically built upon itself, across multiple training sessions and real-world experience.


That said, the training I most recently went through by Dick Thomas had a different feel to it. Dick does a great job understanding the space you are selling into, the value your company provides, and the real challenges within the sales motion your team executes upon. With this relevant understanding of the business, Dick brings immediate credibility to his well thought out value-based training. I have since taken a couple of key nuggets back with me to the field 1) value-based discovery 2) how to identify bigger opportunities within an account.


I highly recommend working/training with Dick Thomas his energy is infectious, his sales acumen is robust, and he will grow your craft.

RWT Consulting created "real world" role play training materials at a level of detail typically experienced in a complex enterprise sale.  This real world training environment enabled sellers to grapple with challenges actually faced in discovery and aligning prospect requirements to solution differentiation.  Sellers were challenged and taught how to study an actual prospect's business, gain relevant insights and identify the largest business problem solved by their solution.  This real world analysis went along way in transforming the sellers into business problem solvers.

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