Tools Which Drive Adoption and Execution

The Value Pyramid Template
The #1 complaint of business executives regarding sellers year after year is , "Sales people don't understand my business". The Value Pyramid Template comes with The Value Pyramid 1/2 day training offering. This template guides sellers into what they should be researching, where to find it and how to understand it. It also helps them develop insightful qualifying questions for their executive meetings. Lastly, it's collaborate and in the cloud, so the entire pursuit team can be part of the process and gain valuable business knowledge.

Collaborative Call Planning and Reporting
Imagine as a seller that you have all the information you need at your fingertips to plan, execute and follow up with your prospects and customers. Imagine being able to collaborate in real time with your Sales Engineer and your Manager across all these activities in a single platform. The Collaborative Call Plan and Reporting tool allows sellers to collaborative and effectively plan their calls and execute them "on Message" with the highest degree of excellence.

Dynamic Proof Point Library
We all know that using the right customer success story or Proof Point can go along way in moving the ball forward in your sales cycle. Sellers spend too much time searching for proof points only to find slides of little value and not relevant to their prospect. The Dynamic Proof Point Library is integrated into the Collaborative Call Planning and Reporting tool allowing sellers to filter proof points across 10 criterial of relevance as well as by quality rating. Seller can now easily find and select the best Proof Point for any sales situation.

Proof Point Evaluator
The Proof Point Evaluator provides an equitable and consistent method to score proof point quality and value. This tool can be used to not only build your Proof Point Library, but to teach sellers what is required for a good proof point. Leveraging this tool across your sales team in quarterly proof point contests can help your company build a strong and comprehensive library of Proof Points that effectively move the ball forward in every sales cycle.

Business Case ROI Model
No matter how much your prospect loves your solution, budget will not get allocated unless you have a compelling ROI. ROI models need to be easy to understand, transparent and validated by your prospect so that the model becomes "their" model not yours. As part of the "Business Case as a Strategic Weapon" offering a custom comprehensive ROI Model template is delivered for your team calculating a three year Return On Investment and Payback.
When your enterprise sale is dependent upon a successful validation event or POC, it's critical that the event is effectively planned in collaboration with your potential customer. The Validation Event Planning Guide helps your sellers achieve consistency in use cases selected which are aligned to your solutions highest differentiated value, minimizing time and resources yet optimizing your chances to win. If you're not closing 90% or more of your deals post validation event, this enabler can make a difference.

Validation Event Planning Guide